Who said outdoor gear had to be so…neutral? The Waterside brings a fashionable touch to the outdoors with pops of color and pattern, while the generous brim provides perfectly functional sun protection. With a pattern on one side and solid black on the other, the hatband reverses to suit your personal style and can be twisted for a casual chic look. And check it out! The hatband can be removed to reveal the hidden ventilation panel when the day heats up.
- UPF 50+ Sun Rating (mesh not rated)
- 10.2cm Brim Floats in Water
- Reversible Hatband
- Hidden Crown Ventilation
- Wicking Sweatband
- Water and Stain Resistant
- Stretch Comfort Adjustable Sizing
- Packs for Travel
- Bluesign® certified main body fabric
Colours - Jade, Opal