Designed by Steve Gurney one of the most renowned Adventure Racing athletes in the world the Gurney Gears Bumfortable Seat is packed full of features. Made of Closed Cell Foam, they are lightweight, warm to sit on, non-absorbent, and easily moulded for a custom fit by the use of gentle heat (eg; hairdryer, hot water bottle or domestic fan heater). Simply one of the most comfortable kayak seats you will ever have.
Flat Hull. Flat Hull Bumfortables are suitable for wider, more stable Recreational and Touring Kayaks. We recommend also fitting Bumfortable Side Kits to give better stability in the seat when rolling.
Round Hull - Round Hull Bumfortables are for narrower Racing Kayaks. We recommend also fitting Bumfortable Side Kits to give better stability in the seat when rolling.
Barracuda - Called the "Barracuda Bumfortable" because they were designed to fit Barracuda Kayaks. They have larger V shape on the bottom to accommodate the centre support strip found in Barracuda Kayaks. Also a good option for the more tipsy racing kayaks.
Key Features:
- Lightweight and completely non-absorbent.
- Forgiving, Inbuilt softness reduces the risk of pressure points.
- Easily moulded for the best personal fit.
- Closed Cell Foam, warm on cold mornings and more comfortable than fibreglass. Less abrasive and much less likely to make your legs go to sleep.
- Flow tunnels incorporated into the underside of the seat to allow any water to move to your bilge pump.
- Backstrap option through moulded back strap tunnel. (25mm webbing)
- Side Kits available.
Size - One Size
Styles - Flat Hull, Round Hull, Barracuda
Made in New Zealand